Rooted in the Starbright Approach, our preschool program offers an academic curriculum that helps each child reach age appropriate milestones in cognitive, artistic, physical, and social development.
Read on to learn about the key skills students acquire in our preschool program.
Language comprehension when listening and reading
Increasing reliance on verbal communication
Knowing and recognizing letters of the alphabet in print
Ability to write all letters of the alphabet
Writing one’s name and some simple words
Recognition and knowledge of numbers
Understanding of numbers and quantities in everyday environment
Ability to count objects
Comparing amounts by counting or matching
Simple addition and subtraction
Sorting and classifying of objects by one or more attributes
Recognition, duplication and creation of simple repeating patterns
Comparing, measuring and ordering objects by length, weight, color, etc.
Identifying and constructing different geometrical shapes
Learning to combine different shapes to create a picture or design
Understanding positions in space, including in/on/under, up/down, inside/outside, etc.
Understanding time: before/after, past/present/future, etc.Initiative in learning
Learning to make observations and draw conclusions
Creating simple drawings or paintings representing people, animals and objects
Using tools to make representational forms out of paper, dough, clay and other materials
Recognizing and naming materials and tools used for visual arts
Demonstrating increased coordination and fine motor control when working with visual arts tools
Learning about elements appearing in visual art, such as line, texture, color
Showing increasing care and persistence in completing an art project
Intentionally creating content in a work of art
Developing finer control of lines and shapes, using colors to express feelings
Music recognition
Moving body more freely and accurately to respond to beat and tempo of the music
Following words of a song
Singing repetitive patterns and entire songs alone and with others
Reproducing more complex rhythms, melodies and songs
Using props, costumes and scenery to enhance dramatization of familiar stories and play with friends
Learning to perform several specific movements in a row to create a dance sequence
Improving coordination of movement through space and body awareness
Inventing and recreating dance movements

Increasing balance and control when holding still and while moving
Improvement in locomotor skills
Gross motor manipulative skills development – using arms, hands and feet with increased coordination
Ability to properly hold and operate writing and drawing instruments
Showing greater fine motor manipulative skills such as writing, cutting, and dressing
Spatial and directional awareness
Engaging in sustained active play of increasing intensity to improve cardiovascular endurance and strength
Self-awareness of one’s own actions, abilities and preferences
Developing self-reliance and self-confidence
Increasing attention span and regulation
Self-regulation of emotions and impulses
Social and emotional understanding of other’s feelings and actions
Empathy and caring towards others’ distress and needs, with desire to help
Active and intentional cooperation and interaction with peers
Positive and cooperative group participation
Cooperation and responsibility
Learning what promotes personal health and safety
Creating more reciprocal and enduring friendships